
Accident-Incident Report Form

All Accidents and Incidents must be reported and investigated. Please complete the form below.

The safety of all students and staff while enjoying a Sydney Community College Course is a shared responsibility. If you were involved in an accident or incident, please ensure that you inform the correct person, usually, the Site Coordinator. If you are unable to do that, or even if you have done so, please describe the event below. Thank you for your assistance.

About you

About the accident/incident

Where was the accident or incident?

Was anyone injured?

No Yes

Was first aid provided?

No Yes

Was an ambulance required?

No Yes

Was the injured person required to attend a Medical Centre or Hospital?

No Yes

Have you informed someone else, ie, teaching staff, Site Coordinator or a member of the College management team?

No Yes

Please describe in as much detail, the location and nature of the accident or incident.

Thank you.

Please contact the College on 02 8752 7555 if there is anything else you feel we should be notified about.

Form last reviewed August 2016